Quick, Easy, and HEALTHY Toddler Meals
I don’t know about you, but I am always amazed at how much or how little Babycakes can eat, depending on the day. Some days I can’t refill her plate quickly enough. Other days it just sits there on her tray, untouched. As a new mom, I often fretted over this…wishing she’d take just a few more bites. And when wishing didn’t help, there may have been some begging involved! ... Read more » about Quick, Easy, and HEALTHY Toddler Meals
{The Best Fruit Dip Ever}
OK, first a confession: I HATE MARSHMALLOWS. Ewww. Ewww. Ewww. I don't like them in hot chocolate. I don't like them on sweet potatoes. I don't even like them browned over a campfire. (I know, I'm weird.) And I especially don't like them in spreadable jar form. Did you know they put blue dye in there?! That is just wrong. ... Read more » about {The Best Fruit Dip Ever}