
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

I know weight-loss is a tough topic for most of us.  It is easy to feel lots of guilt, shame, and 100 other awful things when we start thinking about our weight, where we're at, where we think we should be, etc.  So this morning, I just want to touch on some of the top excuses (reasons) I came up with personally, that have kept me from getting the body I know I deserve. ... Read more » about Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

The No Sugar Sweet Life

I will probably get some evil stares or at least some bewildered shrugs when I say: I don't really care about sugar.  I could go weeks, even months, without dessert.  In fact I did.  The entire last holiday season (Thanksgiving through New Year's) I literally only had one piece of dessert: a slice of pumpkin pie.  And it wasn't even that yummy!!  Now carbs that turn into glucose/sugar...that's a whole different story! ... Read more » about The No Sugar Sweet Life
