Super Creamy Sweet Potato Mac

Super Creamy Sweet Potato Mac


Super Creamy Sweet Potato Mac (without cheese) // via Nosh and Nourish


8 ounces shell pasta (I like the Ancient Harvest GF kind)
1⁄2 Sweet Potato
1⁄2 Apple
1 cup Silk Unsweetened Cashewmilk (or sub your favorite milk)
1 teaspoon worchestershire sauce
1⁄4 cup Chickpeas
1⁄2 teaspoon Spicy Brown Mustard
1 teaspoon Ketchup
1 teaspoon Montreal Chicken Seasoning
1⁄8 teaspoon Sea Salt
1⁄2 cup organic corn kernels
1⁄4 cup chopped cashews (optional)
1 field roast vegan sausage, apple sage (or sub chicken sausage -- optional)


  1. Cook your pasta according to the instructions on the box -- generally boiling in water for 8 minutes. Then, remove from heat, drain, and set aside.
  2. Cook your sweet potato -- you can either microwave it for 4 minutes or boil it for 12. 
  3. In a high powered blender (I use a Blendtec), combine the cooked sweet potato, raw apple (seeds and core removed), cashewmilk, chickpeas, worchestershire, mustard, ketchup, montreal chicken seasoning, and sea salt. Blend until smooth. 
  4. In a medium mixing bowl, stir the sweet potato mixture into the cooked pasta and add in the corn and cashews. 
  5. (optional) - dice up a cooked field roast vegan sausage or chicken sausage and stir it in.
  6. Serve hot or cold. 

Yields 4 Servings