Fall Grilled Cheese with Apple Cider Caramelized Onions

Fall Grilled Cheese with Apple Cider Caramelized Onions


Fall Grilled Cheese with Apple Cider Caramelized Onions


4 slices whole grain bread
4 slices vegan cheese (or other cheese of choice)
1 honeycrisp apple (core removed and sliced thinly into rounds)
4 fresh figs
4 tablespoons fig jam
1 yellow onion
3 tablespoons Apple Cider
  Olive Oil
  pinch of salt


  1. To make the caramelized onions, slice a yellow onion thinly (follow this guide if you’re not sure how to do it), then add to a sauté pan with about ½ tbsp olive oil. Stir frequently. Once the onions are translucent and softened, add in 1 tbsp apple cider. Continue stirring and add in salt and rest of apple cider about 10 minutes later. It will probably take close to 40 minutes to reach desired caramelization.
  2. To assemble sandwich, brush outside facing side of bread with olive oil, then spread a layer of fig jam, followed by the cheese, caramelized onions, fresh figs, apple and other slice of bread. Press in panini press until golden brown and crispy on exterior of bread. If you don’t have a panini press, cook sandwich in a pan, pressing down with the lid of a pan to compress sandwich. Flip halfway through cook time.

Yields 2 Servings