Melt the butterscotch chips in the top of a double boiler or in a stainless steel mixing bowl set over a pot of simmering water (make sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Approximately 5 minutes, stirring continually.
Once they are melted completely, stir in the cream cheese, carrots, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix thoroughly.
Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use a spoon to flatten and level the mixture.
Sprinkle the golden raisins, walnuts, coconut shreds, and additional shredded carrot evenly over the top, pressing everything down gently with your hand or the back of a spoon.
Cool for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Meanwhile, combine the icing ingredients (a totally optional addition!) in a small bowl. I added it to a small bottle, like a condiment bottle that you might see ketchup in at a picnic, so that I could get nice thin even lines for the icing.
Cool for 1 hour in the freezer, then break apart into pieces and enjoy!
Carrot Cake Butterscotch Bark --- such a delicious, easy dessert recipe! // via Nosh and Nourish
*I like these dairy-free, GF butterscotch chips from Amazon
Yields 18 Servings
Nosh and Nourish