
Spinach & Kale Corn Chips + {Black Bean Hummus}

We're not talking about "regular" kale chips that you make in the oven at home like these or these.  Nooooo, we're talking about real chips you buy at the store that just happen to have spinach and kale packed inside.  The Better Chip (whose other flavors I reviewed last year) sent me a sample bag of their new Spinach & Kale Corn Chips since they know I love kale so much. How much do I love kale? Enough to include it as one of my top 6 nourishing add-ins in my new #ecookbook, enough to write ... Read more » about Spinach & Kale Corn Chips + {Black Bean Hummus}

{The Best Fruit Dip Ever}

OK, first a confession: I HATE MARSHMALLOWS.  Ewww. Ewww. Ewww.  I don't like them in hot chocolate. I don't like them on sweet potatoes.     I don't even like them browned over a campfire.      (I know, I'm weird.) And I especially don't like them in spreadable jar form. Did you know they put blue dye in there?! That is just wrong. ... Read more » about {The Best Fruit Dip Ever}